Thanks for dropping by! The best way to navigate this blog is to stop by the index and select the label that interests you. Alternatively, you can flip through the blog archive, where you can peruse all the foods I have experienced and "reviewed." The exotic label should be a fun place to start if you're looking for suggestions. Dates in this blog are usually completely irrelevent--I tend to post my entries days (weeks, months, years) after I've actually written them.




Ahhh so behind. I just did a couple of very brief entries and basically a photodump of everything I've been meaning to upload. Consider this a reboot. I hope.

Monday, June 16, 2008

An Introduction

This cricket is hungry.

But he doesn't look that way.

He is hungry for novelty. Whatever might attract his eye. The foods appearing here aren't necessarily good foods, nor are they necessarily strange foods. These foods are stimulating: whatever attracts the eye.

I think of it this way: food is a battle. The eyes find one's adversaries, and the tongue, the nose, the stomach do engage in ligand-to-receptor combat. Equilibriums are pushed one way and another, and in the end we found ourselves victors--two satiated sides--one exiting peaceably through the nethers of human physiology and the other pushed into a quiet state of engorged contentment. Of course, some battles are more arduous than others...

The search for worthy opponents is not a simple matter of choosing the most vile. Mind you, the goal of this battle is to reach peace and satiety. Long, heart-stricken battles hardly fit the most ideal of situations.

I've had battles long before the creation of this blog. From the difficult and damnable Pig's Blood Cake to the tame and pleasantly sauteed Ox Heart, the enlightening Roasted Pigeon to the curious Soup of Snake, a listing of previous experiences would be quite difficult, given the limits of my organ-between-ears.

But let us then proceed to the present, where recency and a handy digital camera can supplicate a deficient brain for the most accurate of memories. Thus do I bid you good Noms from here to the thereafter.

And maybe I'll put away this atrocious writing style.

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