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Ahhh so behind. I just did a couple of very brief entries and basically a photodump of everything I've been meaning to upload. Consider this a reboot. I hope.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Apple+Tomato / Spinach+Grapefruit / Orange+Carrot Italian Ice [Japan]

So here's an interesting treat from the Hilton Narita in Tokyo. From left to right: Apple+Tomato Ice, Spinach+Grapefruit Ice, and Orange+Carrot Ice.

This was an option in a rather eclectic breakfast buffet that tried quite hard to cater to both Japanese and Western tastes. I'm still not quite too sure who "Spinach+Grapefruit Ice" caters to, but I'm guessing it was a Japanese take on Western sorbets. Nice try guys, but please keep your vegetables out of my desserts.


Not nearly as bad as it sounds. I tried a scoop of each flavor and was surprised at how tame the flavors were. In the Spinach+Grapefruit and Orange+Carrot, the fruit dominated the palate, leaving only a hint of vegetable as an after-aroma. The Apple-Tomato tasted primarily of apple, but with a slight citrus-y twang. Texture-wise, the dessert was identical to the melted-and-refrozen italian ice you'd find in the supermarket.


I was a bit disappointed by this. I wanted to be grossed out--to be bowled over by spinach-y flavor in a deceptively familiar icey medium. I got nothing. Just grapefruit ice with a weird aftertaste.

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