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Ahhh so behind. I just did a couple of very brief entries and basically a photodump of everything I've been meaning to upload. Consider this a reboot. I hope.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Green Pea Mousse [Japan]

Yes you read that right. Apparently this place's trademark is Pea Mousse. What the hell were they thinking?


Terrible. Unless you really like peas. Really, really, really like peas. So from what I gather they took a whole lot of peas, blended them into pulp, and folded that mixture in with heavy cream, and beated the shit out of the whole mixture to achieve a mousse. And I'll give them credit: it felt like mousse. The texture was absolutely spot-on. The taste though...

Ack. It pains me to think about it. Imagine the voices of millions of peas crying out at once, suddenly silenced by the whirr of a blender. Then imagine you eating their mashed bodies, still feeling a shell here, a shell there. And the ubiquitous taste of pea. Oh dear God. The peas...the green, mushy, peas...



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