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Ahhh so behind. I just did a couple of very brief entries and basically a photodump of everything I've been meaning to upload. Consider this a reboot. I hope.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Chicken Gizzard Yakitori [Japan]

What is a gizzard you ask? Bird stomach! Trust me, it sounds nastier than it actually is.

The fancy change in nomenclature actually makes some sense anatomically. As seed eaters, a conventional stomach just won’t suffice for your average feathered friend. Instead, birds ingest grit (rocks) along with their normal fare to aid in the breakdown of hard shells, and have evolved specially designed stomachs to facilitate the process. The result is a particularly hardy alimentary system—especially around the gizzard itself. The result is a particularly unique texture.

Yakitori if you were wondering, is Japanese charcoal barbecue. Japanese shish-kabob if you will: the most primitive of cooking techniques rehashed for modern enjoyment.


Like chicken. Mostly because it is chicken. This here is a thing of texture, and I for one, can’t figure out what’s the ho-hum about gizzards. People have told me how wonderful they’re supposed to taste; how unique their textures are. I suppose their textures are unique.

Crunchy meat. Awkwardly crunchy meat. That’s the best I can do. Gizzards are relatively tough, and make no attempt at being tender. They do have a grittiness that is probably the result of…well, grit. A strange experience overall.


Well it wasn’t bad. It wasn’t good either. I’d take normal chicken over gizzards any day.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Haha! Chris, I love this blog! Miss you when do you return??